Located in Cleveland Ohio, KEENE resides in a manufacturing mecca with more machine shops, polymer suppliers and manufacturing capability than just about any other place in the world. The rust has stopped in Northeastern Ohio and our belts are supporting advanced manufacturing and research.

We have adequate production capacity to produce your needs in short order. Our facilities run 24 hours a day and we have the shortest turnaround time from concept to production in the industry. KEENE means fast,and our development capabilities are just that. Our engineering staff can take your concept to production in the shortest time possible. We make our own tooling and molds, design our own equipment and employ some of the most talented large filament production technologists in the world.

We also know how to use this manufacturing expertise in your application. We pioneered mortar collection devices, full-wall rain screen,impact noise control in multi-family, and many other great applications for entangled net products today. We also make every effort to manufacture high-quality, cost-effective sound control and drainage products that offer great value to each level of today's construction industry. Through innovative products and solutions from KEENE, we continually review and improve our manufacturing methods and processes. At KEENE, you can expect superior quality,reliability, and durability of our products.